

Video surveillance in Colmar: why install one?

Why such a craze for video surveillance systems in recent years? Indeed, it is rather rare today to see a business in Colmar that does not have at least one surveillance camera. A few years ago, only very large companies could afford surveillance cameras.

Today, video surveillance products are within everyone's reach. What reasons can there be to install video surveillance at home or in your business? Various elements can justify an increase in purchases of surveillance cameras. We are going to find out which ones while explaining the interest of equipping yourself with surveillance devices in Colmar.

Video surveillance in Colmar: an anxiety-provoking context

The installation of surveillance cameras which is increasing in France can be understood in relation to the current context of the country. As everyone knows, the State of Emergency has been in force in the country since November 14, 2015, which inevitably has consequences on the feeling of insecurity of the French. To overcome questionable security, there are of course several solutions .

Video surveillance is one of them, since it offers peace of mind to users when they are away. The usefulness of a video surveillance installation is felt especially when the safety of places or people is questioned . Thus, a response to these needs is now necessary but above all possible. This is also the whole point of video surveillance in Strasbourg today.

Video surveillance in Colmar: using it differently

For your business, a surveillance camera can also be used for other purposes. If you own a café or a restaurant in Colmar, for example, a surveillance camera can help you improve your productivity . Well placed cameras can allow teams to communicate with each other thanks to camera feedback or control screens that are equipped with microphones. Thus, everyone can see in real time the progress of the other teams (in the dining room or in the kitchens) to ensure their coordination.

Otherwise, for parents, babysitters or carers, monitoring screens can make childcare easier in order to always have an eye on the most vulnerable and intervene if a situation degenerates. This solution also applies for you who want to keep control over your parent from home.


Video surveillance in Colmar and Alsace: reassuring and scalable technologies

15 years ago it was unthinkable to be able to equip your home or business with remotely accessible surveillance cameras. Today, thanks to IP technology , video surveillance systems are connected to the internet.

IP technology is revolutionizing the use of surveillance systems . Indeed, connected to the same network, the surveillance cameras become controllable thanks to a smartphone or a tablet via an application . .

An evolution in Colmar which reassures users more than in the past. If before you had to wait to view the recording, now you just have to connect directly to the surveillance cameras to control problematic situations.

The video surveillance system becomes truly omniscient and within easy reach. You increase the chances both of deterring possible crimes but also of being able to identify the perpetrators of the potential crimes you may suffer.

Video surveillance in Colmar and Alsace: financially attractive

If there is one area where prices can be high in Colmar, it is that of new technologies. But, like computers or smartphones, the world of video surveillance is becoming more and more financially affordable.

It took thousands of francs 20 years ago to be able to equip surveillance cameras. A luxury reserved for department stores and individuals with a big budget.

This is no longer the case now! For a few hundred euros, you can equip yourself with a very efficient and durable system over time.

Let's not neglect the fact that your insurance premium will be lower in Strasbourg if you choose to install surveillance cameras.

Indeed, the installation of video surveillance can help you save money on your home insurance premiums.

Why not you ?

Here you can clearly see all the advantages of buying CCTV cameras in Strasbourg. Whether in terms of reliability, serenity or value for money, you will necessarily win by equipping yourself with a video surveillance device.

Our online store, tsa-distribution.com, will help you take the plunge by offering you multiple choices of security devices (cameras, alarms, motion detectors, CCTV screen, etc.).

In addition, we have a physical store. Come and meet our technicians who will be happy to advise you in your choice of video surveillance .



Setting up a remote surveillance or video surveillance system in a company means ensuring the safety of your employees and your professional premises:

  • Video surveillance allows continuous monitoring by viewing video and recording images.
  • Remote monitoring guarantees permanent burglary protection.

Presentation of the two solutions in Strasbourg to help you select the one that is best suited to your business premises.


A corporate video surveillance system is made up of surveillance cameras, a reader-recorder and communicates either by IP network or by an analog system. Nexecur surveillance cameras can go up to ultra high definition, also called 4K and record continuously, on presence detection or according to programmed schedules.

CCTV images can be viewed in real time from your premises in Colmar or remotely from your smartphone and your computer via the viewing software.

In addition, the video surveillance system can be connected to the remote monitoring center in order to protect your premises against intrusions. Thus, this two-in-one solution makes it possible to visualize the interior and exterior of the professional premises in real time while alerting the police of an intrusion when it is proven.

For a video surveillance system adapted to the specificities of your company in Strasbourg, our experts carry out a security audit of your professional premises and suggest a tailor-made solution. Our design office is able to establish recommendations, whatever the size of the site to be protected.

It is important to note that, if your choice is directed towards a video surveillance solution for business, a declaration to the CNIL is necessary and regulations are required.

video surveillance


Remote monitoring is a high-performance security system to secure your business in Colmar against break-ins and against malfunctions of your production and storage tools.

Much more than just an alarm system, the solution connects an alarm to human operators. Operating day and night, it secures your business premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The corporate remote monitoring system is made up of at least a central system comprising a central alarm, a siren, a micro-speaker, an activation/deactivation system and motion detectors.

The principle of remote monitoring for companies is simple, when an intrusion is detected in the company, an alert is sent to the remote monitoring centre.

The operator listens to the noises on the spot thanks to the micro speaker and orders the intruder to identify himself. If the latter gives the wrong code or does not respond, either the operator proceeds to view the videos recorded by the cameras, or he analyzes the progression of the triggers.

If the break-in is proven, TSA immediately alerts law enforcement through a dedicated line.

In addition, remote monitoring can secure your activity in Colmar by alerting you to malfunctions in your production and storage tools.

Indeed, an alert is sent to remote monitoring operators according to your needs; management of general commissioning and decommissioning, control of technical alarms (rise or fall in temperature, etc.).


The term "video protection" has replaced that of "video surveillance" in the legislative and regulatory texts: in this respect, from a legal point of view, the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) has since March 2011 the powers to control the video protection devices implemented throughout the national territory.

Video protection makes it possible to monitor certain parts of an industrial or commercial site in Colmar: securing the flow of goods or funds, surveillance of car parks and warehouses, movement of personnel or customers at the entrances and exits of a store or "a public place, etc. Video protection makes it possible to monitor restricted perimeters, as well as much larger areas. It is all the more effective when its existence is clearly indicated by dissuasive signage.

In some cases, video protection can be installed in private homes to fight against burglaries, do not hesitate to contact us to benefit from our free security advice.

Depending on the area and the type of site to be secured in Strasbourg, video surveillance systems require one to several dozen surveillance cameras and have four levels of video protection: local, remotely viewable, video rounds carried out by the Control Post and the video feedback by raising doubts at the Remote Monitoring Center. In the event of an unexpected event, it makes it possible to identify the exact nature of the problem and to carry out corrective actions and/or interventions.


TSA Distribution is a specialist in video protection . We benefit from the “ APSAD de service type P3 ” certification for our remote monitoring centers and “NF Service” No. 079/11/367-82 for video protection, guaranteeing you quality services and continuity of service.

TSA Distribution's know-how is the guarantee of effective protection of people and property against violence, damage, theft and intrusion. Our expertise allows us to develop reliable and efficient devices, using new analog or IP technologies, for our customers.

We offer personalized solutions that meet all the security needs of individuals and professionals , businesses, merchants, large retailers or local authorities:

TSA Distribution undertakes to support its customers for the technical and legal implementation of their video surveillance system . Tailor-made, adapted to your budget and whatever your activities, our advisers travel free of charge to study your video surveillance project with you .

How to react in case of burglary without breaking and entering?

It's not easy to get reimbursed by the insurance company that protects you from theft when the signs of the break-in are not obvious. The adjuster, indeed, could report to your company that he believes that you left the doors or windows open by forgetfulness, left the keys where they could be easily stolen or other. Here are the steps to follow to maximize your chances of being compensated.

File a complaint with the police or the gendarmerie

The first step to take once the break-in and/or theft has been observed in Colmar is therefore to call the police and file a complaint by going to the competent authorities, such as the police or the gendarmerie. The public official who will take note of your testimony will then have to draw up a report of denunciation itself.

After filing a complaint, you will be issued a copy of the text of the complaint itself, which will allow you to obtain a duplicate of any stolen documents and belongings, block credit cards, debit cards, and even phone plans, if needed. A copy of this document must be sent to your insurer in order to activate the insurance cover against theft and burglary. Without it, in fact, it is difficult for the insurance to estimate the real sum of the damage and the value of the stolen goods.

Report the burglary to your insurer

Once the report of burglary has been registered in Colmar, the next step is to immediately contact your home insurance . There are very specific deadlines that must be respected in order to submit the declaration to the insurance. Once the theft has been officially registered, you have a maximum period of two working days to make this declaration of theft to your insurer.

To make and complete the formal request for insurance, in the event of burglary, you must obtain and provide your insurer with the following elements :

  • The home address , in order to locate the property where the burglary took place,
  • Your contract number ,
  • A precise description of the accident and the damage suffered: in order to quantify the estimate of the extent of the damage reported and the property stolen,
  • The copy of the famous theft report receipt : which certifies, in fact, that a theft has indeed been committed at your home and in which the relevant details are listed, concerning the dynamics of the theft itself and the stolen goods,
  • A list of stolen or damaged items ,
  • The contact details of any third parties or victims who may be involved .

What to do in case of burglary without breaking and entering?

The insurance company only covers damage caused by an obvious intrusion into your home. With or without burglary, the police report must prove that the theft took place . We need to find other ways to prove that the theft even without burglary took place:

  • Personal surveillance camera : allows via recordings to prove the veracity of your words,
  • Other means like: ringing of the alarm, noises from your apartment (when you can prove that you have been elsewhere) and that your neighbors can possibly witness, a signal of "loud noises" or similar from third parties , cameras near shops or the house itself.

Visiting my home for sale: is video surveillance allowed?

Video surveillance is increasingly popular in Colmar, and many French people are equipped with it to ensure the security of their homes. Nevertheless, video surveillance is subject to laws, and one cannot film anywhere, anyone and anyhow. But what about when it comes to your own home, and you show it to a potential buyer as part of a real estate sale?

A free installation of video surveillance at home
You should know that the installation of cameras in a private place, namely your home, does not require any administrative authorization. Indeed, you can freely install cameras in your home, whether to protect yourself against burglaries, keep an eye on your children or your pets, or simply capture everyday moments.

On the other hand, you must be very careful to film only your property, and only your property. You are authorized to film your home, your garden or your balcony, but in no case the public road. It is strictly forbidden to film your neighbour's door, the interior of a condominium or your vehicle parked in front of your home.

Use of video surveillance framed by law

The law that regulates the use of cameras is the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended by the law of August 6, 2004. It serves above all to regulate the practices of employers in terms of video surveillance. The latter must inform their employees and customers in writing, with signs and posters if they wish to install a surveillance camera in a place of professional use. Otherwise, they risk imprisonment for 12 months and a fine of €45,000.

On the other hand, the law is more flexible about the use of a camera by an individual in his home. He only has to warn the people he receives that they can be filmed.

Ensure that everyone's image rights are respected
Everyone has a right to their image, which is why you must ensure that you do not infringe the privacy of your neighbours, passers-by and especially your visitors. When people outside the family circle come to your home, you must inform them of the presence of the video surveillance system.

This is therefore the case for the real estate agent responsible for the sale of your property, but also for potential buyers. Remember, there are criminal penalties that may apply, as discussed above.

For this, you can put up a display at the entrance to your home, or even mention it in the contract you sign with the real estate agent in Colmar.